"이번에 다발성 경화증과 관련된 microbiome 관련 연구에 참여하게 되어, 공부할겸 Wikipedia의 내용을 번역해 보았습니다."
Microbiota(미생물군유전체)는 "우리의 인체에 존재하며 공생하거나 질병을 유발하는 미생물들의 생태계 지도"를 일컫는다.
사람의 microbiome은 수조마리의 미생물들을 포함하고 있지만, 전체 체질량의 1~3%에 불과하다. 1990년대 후반에 장의 microbiota가 사람의 면역 체계에 작용하는 역할에 대한 연구가 시작되었다. 장의 microbiome은 "잊혀진 기관"으로 여겨지고, 미생물에 의해 형성되는 것으로 생각되던 포유동물 면역 체계가 사실일 것이라는 가능성이 점차 증가했다. 사람의 microbiome은 당뇨(diabetes), 류마티스 관절염(rheumatoid arthritis), 근위축증(muscular dystrophy), 다발성 경화증(multiple sclerosis), 섬유조직염(fibromyalgia), 그리고 암(cancer)에 이르기까지 다양한 자가 면역 질환에서 역할을 할 것으로 여겨지고 있다. 장에 있는 미생물들이 잘못 섞이면(안좋은 미생물들로 이루어지면) 비만을 악화시킬 수도 있다고 알려졌다. 또한 사람의 몇몇 미생물들은 일부 신경전달물질의 조절에 관여할 수 있기 때문에, 특정한 미생물을 이용해서 우울증(depression), 조울증(bipolar disorder), 그리고 정신 장애와 연관된 여러 스트레스들을 치료하기 위한 보조 수단으로 이용하는 것도 가능할 것으로 기대되고 있다.Joshua Lederberf가 인간의 건강과 질병에서 미생물의 중요성을 강조하기 위해 이 용어를 만들었다. 많은 과학 문헌에서 환경의 지위로써 존재하거나 미생물 자체로서 존재하는 전체 미생물들의 유전체를 묘사할 때 각각 microbiome과 microbiota라는 용어를 사용한다. 그러나, 이들 두 용어의 원래 뜻은 거의 같은 의미이다.
여기에서 논의 되는 미생물들은 보통 비병원성이며(따라서 비정상적으로 성장하지 않는한 질병을 유발하지 않는다.), 숙주와 조화를 이루고 서로 공생관계로 존재한다. 게다가, 미생물과 숙주는 융합 과정에 의해 서로 함께 진화해왔다.
Probiotics는 섭취했을 때 건강에 도움을 줄 수 있는 미생물을 일컫는다. 혹은 음식물에 첨가하는 미생물을 의미하며, 대표적인 예로 유산균을 들 수 있다. Prebiotics는 미생물의 성장과 활성을 도와주어 간접적으로 숙주의 건강에 도움을 줄 수 있는 물질을 의미한다.
image from "How Interdependent We All Are To Everything Around Us – Human Bodies" (http://discovermagazine.com/galleries/zen-photo/m/microbiome)
- Translated from Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microbiota)
Community sequencing of total gut microbiota taken from obese and lean twins show substantial differences in their compositions. Total population sequences were analyzed to determine the levels of enzymes involved in carbohydrate, lipid, and amino acid metabolism. Obesity is associated with phylum-level differences in the microbiota, a significantly reduced bacterial diversity, and an increase in the population expression of enzymes which result in an increased efficiency of calorie harvest in the diets of the obese twins.
Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease that is correlated with a multiplicity of predisposing factors, including an aberrant intestinal microbiota, a leaky intestinal mucosal barrier, and intrinsic differences in immune responsiveness. Various animal models for diabetes have shown a role for bacteria in the onset of the disease. Community DNA sequencing of intestinal flora comparing healthy and autoimmune children showed that autoimmune children had relatively unstable gut biomes with significantly decreased levels of species diversity, and the populations showed large scale replacement of Firmicutes species with Bacteroidetes species.
Human skin represents the most extensive organ of the human body, whose functions include protecting the body from pathogens, preventing loss of moisture, and participating in the regulation of body temperature. Considered as an ecosystem, the skin supports a range of microbial communities that live in distinct niches. Hair-covered scalp lies but a few inches from exposed neck, which in turn lies inches away from moist hairy underarms, but these niches are, at a microbial level, as distinct as a temperate forest would be compared with savanna and tropical rain forest. Studies characterizing the microbiota that inhabit these different niches are providing insights into the balance between skin health and disease.[23]
T cell differentiation to Th1, Th2, Th17 and Treg linages
Prevention of urogenital diseases in women depends on healthy vaginal microbiomes, but what is meant by "healthy" has not been understood. Community population studies using advanced sequencing methodologies (including pyrosequencing) are yielding insights into the range of microbial diversity in the human vagina. An unexpected finding was the prevalence of Prevotella species, which are known to positively affect the growth of Gardnerella vaginalis and Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, two species linked to bacterial vaginosis, by providing these disease-associated bacteria with key nutrients.
A proposal has been made to classify people by enterotype, based on the composition of the gut microbiome. By combining 22 newly sequenced fecal metagenomes of individuals from four countries with previously published data sets, three robust clusters were identified that are not nation or continent specific.[25][26]
The traditional view of the immune system is that it is a complex assembly of organs, tissues, cells and molecules that work together to eliminate pathogens. Modifications to this traditional view, that the immune system has evolved to control microbes, have come from the discovery that microbes coevolve with and exert control upon the immune system. It is known that germ-free animals possess an underdeveloped immune system. The biology of the T helper 17 cells (Th17) has generated interest due to their key role in inflammatory processes. Excessive amounts of the cell are thought to play a key role in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, and autoimmune uveitis. It has been discovered that specific microbiota direct the differentiation of Th17 cells in the mucosa of the small intestine.
Immune system
The symbiotic relationship between animal host and microbiota has a significant impact on shaping the immune system. The immune system is able to recognize the types of bacteria that are harmful to the host and combats them, while allowing the helpful bacteria to carry out their functions. After an infant is born completely sterile, their gut is quickly populated by commensal bacteria that affect the immune response, resulting in future tolerance to that bacteria. This early colonization helps to establish the symbiotic microbiome inside the host early in its life. The bacteria are also able to stimulate lymphoid tissue associated with the gut mucosa. This enables the tissue to produce antibodies for pathogens that may enter the gut. It has been found that bacteria may also play a role in the activation of TLRs (toll-like receptors) in the intestines. TLRs are a type of PRR (pattern recognition receptor) used by host cells to help repair damage and recognize dangers to the host. This could be important in immune tolerance and autoimmune diseases. Pathogens could influence this symbiotic coexistence leading to immune dysregulation and susceptibility to diseases. This could provide new direction for managing immunological and metabolic diseases.
Human microbiome
Flowchart illustrating how the human microbiome is studied on the DNA level.
For the members of the human microbiome, see human microbiome
The estimate of the human microbiome is of about 39 trillion microbial cells, outnumbering human cells 1.3 to 1, with an uncertainty of 25% and a variation of 53% over the population of male subjects, and that each defecation event may change the ratio to favor human cells over bacteria to 1 to 1.1. In diseased individuals altered microbiota are associated with diseases such as neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis, inflammatory bowel disease[48] and vaginosis.[49]
Studying the human microbiome
For the study of human microbiome, see Human Microbiome Project.
The problem of elucidating the human microbiome is essentially identifying the members of a microbial community which includes bacteria, eukaryotes, and viruses. This is done primarily using DNA-based studies, though RNA, protein and metabolite based studies are also performed.[50] DNA-based microbiome studies typically can be categorized as either targeted amplicon studies or more recently shotgun metagenomic studies. The former focuses on specific known marker genes and is primarily informative taxonomically, while the latter is an entire metagenomic approach which can also be used to study the functional potential of the community. One of the challenges that is present in human microbiome studies but not in other metagenomic studies is to avoid including the host DNA in the study.
Presence of a core microbiome
Aside from simply elucidating the composition of the human microbiome, one of the major questions involving the human microbiome is whether there is a "core", that is, whether there is a subset of the community that is shared between most humans.[52][53] If there is a core, then it would be possible to associate certain community compositions with disease states, which is one of the goals of the Human Microbiome Project. It is known that the human microbiome is highly variable both within a single subject and between different individuals. For example, the gut microbiota of humans is markedly dissimilar between individuals, a phenomenon which is also observed in mice.[54] Hamady and Knight show that one can rule out the possibility that any species is shared among all humans at more than 0.9% abundance in the gut or at more than 2% abundance on hands.[53] Although there is very little species level conservation between individuals, it has been shown that this may be a result of functional redundancy as different communities tend to converge on the same functional state.
On 13 June 2012, a major milestone of the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) was announced by the NIH director Francis Collins. The announcement was accompanied with a series of coordinated articles published in Nature[56][57] and several journals in the Public Library of Science (PLoS) on the same day. By mapping the normal microbial make-up of healthy humans using genome sequencing techniques, the researchers of the HMP have created a reference database and the boundaries of normal microbial variation in humans. From 242 healthy U.S. volunteers, more than 5,000 samples were collected from tissues from 15 (men) to 18 (women) body sites such as mouth, nose, skin, lower intestine (stool), and vagina. All the DNA, human and microbial, were analyzed with DNA sequencing machines. The microbial genome data were extracted by identifying the bacterial specific ribosomal RNA, 16S rRNA. The researchers calculated that more than 10,000 microbial species occupy the human ecosystem and they have identified 81 – 99% of the genera.
Role in psychology
Microbes are also implicated in depression. The pathogenic bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi causes Lyme disease which causes depression in up to 2/3 of all cases.[58] Non-pathogenic bacteria are also implicated in depression in which bacterial populations are suppressed. Increasing serotonin levels through selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors is the primary treatment of depression in humans. Human patients with depression are less able to properly digest fructose,[59] which is also associated with a reduction in tryptophan production.[60] Eliminating fructose from their diet improved their depression.
Gut microbes are also implicated in anxiety disorders. In humans, anxiety disorders are common in patients with disturbed gut flora.
Autistic populations have a unique microbiome consisting of more clostridial species.[63] Half of all autistic children with gastrointestinal dysfunction were found to have the bacterium Sutterella which was completely absent in non-autistic children with gastrointestinal dysfunction.[64] There is evidence that for some children with late-onset autism antibiotics can alleviate symptoms temporarily.
Research methods
Targeted amplicon sequencing
Targeted amplicon sequencing relies on having some expectations about the composition of the community that is being studied. In target amplicon sequencing a phylogenetically informative marker is targeted for sequencing. Such a marker should be present in ideally all the expected organisms. It should also evolve in such a way that it is conserved enough that primers can target genes from a wide range of organisms while evolving quickly enough to allow for finer resolution at the taxonomic level. A common marker for human microbiome studies is the gene for bacterial 16S rRNA (i.e. "16S rDNA", the sequence of DNA which encodes the ribosomal RNA molecule).[50] Since ribosomes are present in all living organisms, using 16S rDNA allows for DNA to be amplified from many more organisms than if another marker were used. The 16S rDNA gene contains both slowly evolving regions and fast evolving regions; the former can be used to design broad primers while the latter allow for finer taxonomic distinction. However, species-level resolution is not typically possible using the 16S rDNA. Primer selection is an important step, as anything that cannot be targeted by the primer will not be amplified and thus will not be detected. Different sets of primers have been shown to amplify different taxonomic groups due to sequence variation.
Targeted studies of eukaryotic and viral communities are limited and subject to the challenge of excluding host DNA from amplification and the reduced eukaryotic and viral biomass in the human microbiome.
After the amplicons are sequenced, molecular phylogenetic methods are used to infer the composition of the microbial community. This is done by clustering the amplicons into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and inferring phylogenetic relationships between the sequences. Due to the complexity of the data, distance measures such as UniFrac distances are usually defined between microbiome samples, and downstream multivariate methods are carried out on the distance matrices. An important point is that the scale of data is extensive, and further approaches must be taken to identify patterns from the available information. Tools used to analyze the data include VAMPS, QIIME and mothur.
Metagenomic sequencing
Main article: Metagenomics
Metagenomics is also used extensively for studying microbial communities. In metagenomic sequencing, DNA is recovered directly from environmental samples in an untargeted manner with the goal of obtaining an unbiased sample from all genes of all members of the community. Recent studies use shotgun Sanger sequencing or pyrosequencing to recover the sequences of the reads. The reads can then be assembled into contigs. To determine the phylogenetic identity of a sequence, it is compared to available full genome sequences using methods such as BLAST. One drawback of this approach is that many members of microbial communities do not have a representative sequenced genome.
Despite the fact that metagenomics is limited by the availability of reference sequences, one significant advantage of metagenomics over targeted amplicon sequencing is that metagenomics data can elucidate the functional potential of the community DNA. Targeted gene surveys cannot do this as they only reveal the phylogenetic relationship between the same gene from different organisms. Functional analysis is done by comparing the recovered sequences to databases of metagenomic annotations such as KEGG. The metabolic pathways that these genes are involved in can then be predicted with tools such as MG-RAST, CAMERA and IMG/M.
RNA and protein-based approaches
Metatranscriptomics studies have been performed to study the gene expression of microbial communities through methods such as the pyrosequencing of extracted RNA. Structure based studies have also identified non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) such as ribozymes from microbiota. Metaproteomics is a new approach that studies the proteins expressed by microbiota, giving insight into its functional potential.
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